Core Origins Supplements, LLC

Trouble Sleeping?


Have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep at night?  There’s help.

The cure to insomnia is simple when one thing is in place, an end to Leaky Gut. Don’t let the name Leaky Gut scare you away, it’s all connected.

Here’s how. 

The hormone melatonin was first discovered in 1917. In 1958, it was identified to be located in the pineal gland. And in 1974, melatonin was discovered in the gut. According to the World Journal of Gastroenterology, the gut contains 400x more melatonin than the pineal gland. It makes sense that if the gut is where our melatonin resides, it’s also our answer to producing more melatonin, deep sleep, and saying goodbye to insomnia once and for all.

It’s widely known the gut is responsible for digestion but most people don’t know it is also responsible for the production of both melatonin and serotonin. Almost everyone suffers with a GI tract that’s not functioning at its best. We can’t feel that poor function and most people are unaware it’s happening. But it is. The condition itself is called Leaky Gut syndrome and while many have heard of it, most will deny they have it. Instead we live with health conditions that actually start in the gut, like insomnia, anxiety, bloating and eczema. The cause of Leaky Gut?  Pretty much everything we consume: processed food, gluten, antibiotics, alcohol, spicy food, Motrin and Advil. These have slowly worn down the tender lining of our gut, even though it’s a painless process we can’t feel happening. The result is a GI tract that’s not doing the job it was designed to do.  

In an effort to have a healthy gut, we buy probiotics and take them on a daily basis. North America’s sales of probiotics surpassed $245 million in 2020. But despite daily consumption of this supplement, gut-related issues, like insomnia, anxiety, and bloating prevail. In 2020, sales of melatonin spiked to an astounding $825 million! People are desperate to sleep. Here’s what you need to know. Probiotics do one thing. They sprinkle good bacteria into the gut. Period. The job of a probiotic stops there. Probiotics do not contain the specific ingredients necessary to repair and heal the lining of the gut. The supplements that heal the damage in the gut are in the category called Leaky Gut, and they are a completely different product than those in the probiotic line.

Leaky Gut supplements are comprised of specific ingredients that serve as a balm or a salve to nourish and repair the delicate tissue inside the gut. Once Leaky Gut is healed, hormones like melatonin and serotonin are manufactured again. Your body’s own hormones are far more potent than orally consumed ones and that’s why amazing, whole body changes begin to happen. 

When shopping for a Leaky Gut supplement, remember all products are not the same. Look for ingredients and amino acids like:

L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, Marshmallow root, Aloe Vera, Deglycerized Licorice, and L-Glutamine. (Note that L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine is NOT the same as L-Glutamine)

A quality product should work quickly since the delicate tissue inside the gut is easy to repair.

The results will be sound sleep, less anxiety and a much happier and healthier you.

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