This product changed my life. For 37 years I’ve eaten a very strict gluten free diet which made both my life and eating very peaceful. But a few months ago, horrible stomach pain returned. For six weeks I eliminated different food categories, one by one, until I was eating just meat, fruit and vegetables. But the pain persisted. Out of desperation I scoured a Celiac website for suggestions and I discovered that L-glutamine was excellent at restoring gut health after a gluten incident. But after more research, I discovered Core Correct and learned that not only does it contain L-glutamine, but also the harder-to-find ingredient L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine. I decided to try it since nothing else was helping with the pain. It’s a light mint tasting supplement and the very first day I started it, my stomach pain was noticeably better. Just a few days later, the pain was completely gone. It’s still hard for me to comprehend that a pain I endured for six weeks could feel so much better so quickly, but it really did happen. Core Correct gave me my life back and I highly recommend it to anyone suffering with pain from Celiac. In fact, anyone with celiac should be taking Core Correct.